for SY 2024-2025

Quarter 1


Important Events

28 Jul 2024

Opening of classes

31 Jul 2024


23 Aug 2024

Parents Orientation Conference

22-26 Sep 2024

End-of-Quarter 1 Assessments,
Semester 1 Midterm Exams,
In-Service Activities

Quarter 2


Important Events

10 Oct 2024

PSB’s 30th Founding Anniversary

18 Oct 2024

Quarter 1 Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC)
Distribution of report cards

24-28 Nov 2024

End-of-Quarter 2 Assessments
Semester 1 Final Exams

Quarter 3


Important Events

18 Dec 2024 – 4 Jan 2025

Christmas Holiday / School Break

5 Jan 2025

Resumption of Classes

10 Jan 2025

Quarter 2 Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC)
Distribution of report cards

19 Jan 2025

Start of Reservation for SY 2025-2026

16 – 20 Feb 2025

End-of-Quarter 3 Assessments,
Semester 2 Midterm Exams,
In-Service Activities

Quarter 4


Important Events

14 Mar 2025

Quarter 3 Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC)
Distribution of report cards

10 – 15 Apr 2025

End-of-Quarter 4 Assessments,
Semester 2 Final Exams,
In-Service Activities

21 – 22 Apr 2025


25 Apr 2025

Gratitude Day

9 May 2025

Recognition Day

16 May 2025

Moving-Up / Graduation Programs

15 May 2025

Final Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC)
Distribution of report cards
Last day of school
Start of enrollment for SY 2024-2025

School Holidays



15 Sep 2024 (est.)

Prophet’s birthday

16 – 17 Dec 2024

Bahrain National Day / Accession Day

18 Dec 2024 – 4 Jan 2025

Christmas Holiday / School Break

30 Mar – 1 Apr 2025 (est.)


20 Apr 2025

Easter Sunday

1 May 2025

Labour Day